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European on-bill building renovation roadmap
This report answers the need to establish a policy roadmap for maximising the uptake of on-bill schemes in the EU residential market.
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EPBD in support of the uptake of on-bill schemes in the EU
By focusing on several important results of the RenOnBill project, this paper analyses and explains how the ongoing EPBD revision and proposed EPBD recast can support the uptake of on-bill schemes in the EU. In addition, the paper explains potential adjustments to the proposed EPBD recast that may support on-bill schemes even further and speed up...
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National roadmaps for the replication of on-bill schemes
This roadmap aims to support policy makers, energy regulators and other representatives from the energy and financial sector to understand the replication potential of on-bill schemes and to influence decision-making with a view to innovative financing instruments for energy renovations in the residential building sector.
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The RenOnBill tool to better evaluate energy efficiency interventions
The newly released RenOnBill tool aims to facilitate large investments in energy efficiency interventions and thus upscaling the renovation rate in the EU by assessing risks and investments
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On-bill business model development guidelines
This RenOnBill report provides practical guidelines to energy utilities or other market actor interested in developing an on-bill offer for the energy renovation of residential buildings.
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The RenOnBill guide to on-bill business models in the EU
The RenOnBill factsheets illustrate the key characteristics of on-bill business models that can be implemented in the EU.
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Valuation of energy efficiency measures for on-bill schemes
The new RenOnBill paper explains the financial valuation of on-bill investments and introduce some of the most important underlying topics.
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On-bill schemes to support Member States in implementing their Recovery and Resilience plans
This paper explores some of the critical challenges utilities may face when preparing for and utilising on-bill schemes and proposes actions national and/or local governments in EU Member States may take to mobilise utility companies to adopt on-bill schemes as a strong support to the implementation of national recovery and resilience plans.
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On-bill schemes to deliver the Renovation Wave and economic recovery: RenOnBill policy briefing
Accessible, easy and sufficient funding is key to speed up renovations in the EU. The EU Renovation Wave strategy, published in 2020, estimates the additional investment to double current renovation rates at around €90 billion per year. Public capital can cover some of the additional financing, but private capital must also be mobilised. This is...
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El sector de la construcción residencial en España
El sector de la construcción en España ha desempeñado un papel muy importante en la economía nacional, especialmente en los años anteriores a la crisis financiera de 2008. Como resultado de la crisis, el sector sufrió una fuerte caída de la demanda y de los precios, de la que sólo empezó a recuperarse en 2014. Prueba de ello es que el...
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The residential building sector in Spain
The construction sector in Spain has played a very important role in the national economy, especially in the years leading up to the 2008 financial crisis. As a result of the crisis, the sector suffered a sharp fall in demand and prices, from which it only started recovering in 2014. A proof of this is the fact that the sector went from accounting...
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The residential building sector in Lithuania
Lithuania has 2.8 million inhabitants, but its population density in urban and rural areas is quite different, as 67% of its people live in cities and 33% in rural areas. In 2018, slightly more than half (59%) of the country’s population lived in multiapartmentn buildings and 41% in one-dwelling houses. 75% of dwellings were constructed before...
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Il mercato immobiliare residenziale in Italia
L’Italia è il terzo paese dell’Unione Europea in termini di popolazione (circa 60 milioni di persone) dopo Germania e Francia, e sesto per densità di popolazione (circa 200 persone/km2). Ha un alto tasso di urbanizzazione e il settore dell’edilizia si è sviluppato di conseguenza.
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The residential building sector in Germany
Germany is the largest European country in terms of population, with 83 million inhabitants as of 2019. The majority of its building stock consists of residential buildings. Germany’s residential building stock is comprised of approximately 18,8 million buildings, with the considerable majority (83%) being single and two-family buildings and...
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Der wohngebäudesektor in Deutschland
Deutschland ist mit 83 Millionen Einwohnern das bevölkerungsreichste europäische Land. Der überwiegende Teil des Gebäudebestands besteht aus Wohngebäuden....
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The residential building sector in Italy
Italy is the third largest EU country in terms of population (approximately 60 million people) after Germany and France; and sixth in terms of population density (approximately 200 people/km2). Italy has a high urbanisation rate, and the building sector has developed accordingly.
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Gyvenamųjų pastatų sektorius Lietuvoje
Lietuvoje gyvena apie 2,8 milijono gyventojų. Gyventojų tankis mieste ir kaime yra gana skirtingas – 67 proc. gyventojų gyvena miestuose ir 33 proc. – kaime. Šiuo metu nėra patikimos ir kokybiškos statistinės informacijos apie pastatus šalyje. Aplinkos ministerija rengia ilgalaikę pastatų atnaujinimo strategiją ir vienas uždavinių...
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Upscaling the residential sector with on-bill schemes - Replicability potential in the EU
The new report by the H2020 project RenOnBill analyses the possible challenges for the implementation of on-bill schemes (OBS) in the EU and suggests ten business model frameworks applicable to this context. In particular, the analysis deeps dive into the target countries of RenOnBill, namely Germany, Italy, Spain and Lithuania, along three...
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Insights from national prototyping workshops - Spain
The RenOnBill consortium held a series of national online workshops in the spring of 2020 targeting stakeholders in the four focus countries: Italy, Lithuania, Germany and Spain.
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Insights from the national prototyping workshops - Germany
The RenOnBill consortium held a series of national online workshops in the spring of 2020 targeting stakeholders in the four focus countries: Italy, Lithuania, Germany and Spain.
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Insights from the national prototyping workshops - Lithuania
The RenOnBill consortium held a series of national online workshops in the spring of 2020 targeting stakeholders in the four focus countries: Italy, Lithuania, Germany and Spain.
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